While Meghan Markle's critics have had a lot to say about her over the years, the former Hollywood star tries her best to stay true to herself. She's also made it no secret that she's tried to carve a new path for young women and girls who look up to her and see themselves. 

That might be one of the reasons why she's so proud of her physical attributes, even when others tried to erase them with Photoshop. "In the past, the dream girl would be blonde-haired and blue-eyed. It wouldn't be me, who's biracial and freckled," she told Fashion Magazine in 2014.

So, how does Meghan look like with no makeup? Well, just as you'd expect with that California glow she's known for and the megawatt smile that Prince Harry probably fell in love with. Speaking about how they first met, Harry described Meghan in 2017 as "beautiful" and someone who just "tripped and fell into [his] life," according to the BBC. Well, even if she did trip and fall, she probably still looked flawless doing so. Some girls just have all the luck, right?
