After the major update, Honkai Star Rail is heading towards another successful patch with a few minor hiccups, such as System error 5151. Although the problem is far from game-breaking, it has certainly affected the version 1.3 experience for the community. Players have reported that they are facing an issue during the initial login process, which prevents them from connecting to the servers.
While HoYoverse is expected to provide an official solution, one can consider a few manual options to prevent the issue from appearing. This article outlines a few remedies that should help fix the system error.
What reasons cause System error 5151 in Honkai Star Rail
As mentioned, a few adventurers are riddled with error 5151 in Honkai Star Rail, which is affecting their gameplay. Since the error appears shortly after launching the application, players are unable to log into their respective accounts.
The issue mostly arises from a lack of connection with the game servers. An unstable internet seems to be the primary cause of the problem.
Besides that, it can also appear due to problems with the servers or game files. Using an outdated version or a corrupted application often stirs up system errors.
Honkai Star Rail System error 5151 fix guide
Here are a few easy solutions to help you fix System error 5151. It should take you a few minutes to apply the following methods, which can prevent you from losing any daily progress.
1) Check your internet connection
Since connectivity is one of the root causes of the issue, you must check your active internet connection to determine its stability. A poor network can cause various gameplay issues, including log-in errors.
Hence, we recommend switching to a better internet connection to have stable access to the game servers.
2) Restart the game
If you still see the 5151 code pop up on your screen, consider restarting Honkai Star Rail on your device. More often than not, a fresh launch fixes any network log-in problems, and the specified system error is no exception.
If you are unable to close the game, simply shut it down from the system tray or remove it from the Recent Screen for mobile devices.
3) Update game version
Fortunately, HoYoverse has provided the option to check the current game version. To access it, simply head to the official launcher and click on the three horizontal lines beside the Play button.
Choose the "Check for game updates" option to confirm. If you are not using the current version, update the game to fix error 5151.
4) Clear app cache
Honkai Star Rail does not have an option to verify game files. Instead, it lets you clear downloaded resources to fix any issues connected to its cache.
You can access it again via the file management option beside the Play button. It lets you clear the cache and re-download the game files, which will resolve the issue.
5) Uninstall and reinstall the game
Finally, any error occurring from the user side gets fixed after you uninstall and reinstall the game. If the error persists after applying this last resort, reach out to customer care.
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