Justin Bieber's Panamanian Prostitute Discusses His Penis Size

Justin Bieber‘s getting some unwanted publicity. Well, I suppose he always receives unwanted publicity, but this latest bit of news is sure to make him unhappy.

The Panamanian prostitute who claimed that she slept with Justin is now talking about Justin’s penis size, after first admitting that he came all over her chest. She says she wasn’t very impressed when discussing the size of his manhood and when asked to elaborate, she reportedly told Spanish newspaper Cronicas, “I believe it was so-so. Medium. I didn’t say, ‘Whoa!'” Boy, she’s not making him look good, is she?

You know, I go back and forth on believing this story. One the one hand, Justin has absolutely no reason to pay for sex, considering he has hundreds of girls throwing themselves at him wherever he goes. But on the other hand, we’ve already seen him sneak out of brothels and hook up with strippers. Regardless, if he did have sex with this prostitute, I bet he regrets it now. Next time he goes to a foreign country, I don’t think he’ll be hooking up with prostitutes any time soon, unless they’re from a direct escort service.

I do have to say – the way the prostitute describes his penis size is absolutely hilarious. I bet that if you asked Selena Gomez, she would say the same thing. Actually, if you asked her, she probably wouldn’t say anything because she wouldn’t want anybody to know. Bad enough that she dated such a loser for so many years, but the negative perception of his girth probably wouldn’t play well into her ego.

What do you guys think about the prostitute’s comments? It’s likely that she’s just some random woman looking for her fifteen minutes of fame, but do you believe her? Let us know in the comments.

Photo Credit: FameFlynet
