I know many of you simply roll your eyes at many Star Magazine stories, but occasionally they latch onto some interesting pieces of information that I’m willing to buy. This is one of those times. Even before Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth got arrested in Georgia in April, I sometimes wondered if there was something shady about Jim. It wasn’t like I had any proof or anything, but he just seemed like a guy with secrets, a guy who worked in Hollywood and married an Oscar-winning actress but a guy who actively shunned the spotlight. Well, Star has an interview with a woman who claims she dated Jim years ago, and she has an interesting take on who he really is:

The arrests of Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth came as a shock to most everyone – particularly when the sauced Hollywood agent tried to distance himself from Reese by telling Georgia State Patrol, “I had nothing to do with that.” One of Jim’s former flames, however, has come forward in an exclusive to tell Star that Jim’s April 19th arrest was far from a surprise, claiming it’s the latest development in a long line of selfish, reckless behavior.

“I always knew he was bound to get caught eventually,” says the ex (who asked not to be named). “When I heard the news about the arrests, it didn’t really faze me.”

Jim’s ex describes his history of using women – and she is convinced that it’s only a matter of time until he breaks Reese’s heart.

“There is a whole other side to his personality that people don’t know. He wants people to think he’s a great guy, but he’s not. He’s a bad guy who will only drag Reese down.”

Jim’s ex says he was always a slick-talking insider with an eye for naïve girls new to the industry: “I was a lot younger than him when he hit on me,” she recalls, and claims that Jim, now 42, happily used his age and industry knowledge to his advantage. “He put on this front like he wasn’t like all the other backstabbing Hollywood agents, but I quickly realized that he was. That’s why he is so successful at his job.”

She says he was a “slimy” drunk who would throw poolside parties at his mansion, to which he would invite other, younger women. “He had a closet where he kept bikinis in all different sizes so the girls could undress and get into his hot tub. He corrupted young women and sucked the life force out of them.”

Jim’s reps deny his ex’s claims, but his ex says that Jim’s drunken antics have been going on for years: “He used to drunk dial me all the time. If I didn’t pick him up, the next day he’d call me and tell me that if he had driven home drunk he could’ve killed someone. Last time I checked, he was a 30-something man who had enough money to call a car service.”

“Jim is a manipulative snake with no respect for others’ well-being. This incident with the arrest is the exact Jim I knew.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

While this story seems kind of vague and histrionic, it does have me interested in finding out more. Like, just how young were the women invited to his famous pool parties? And a single guy with a closet full of bikinis in different sizes? I’m sorry, but that’s gross. That says, “I think I’m Hugh Hefner” and who wants that? As for the other stuff… yeah, he drunk dialed and he fooled around and he seemed like a sleaze. Maybe I’m naïve, but I think all of that is a requirement to be an agent, right?

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
